Growth Marketing

Product-Market Fit (PMF) refers to a state where a company's product is well-received in the appropriate market. It involves not just development, but also continuous improvements and feature expansions to ensure the product remains optimally suited to the market.

At JIITAK, we support the entire product lifecycle from ideation to operation, ensuring development achieves . Product-market Fit(PMF) and continue to grow. We use data-driven approach and continuous improvements to realize your vision together.

Why Work With Us?

Despite releasing the product, we have not yet successfully established a monetization strategy
We refine the business's value proposition and develop a money flow tailored to the marketing strategy
It's challenging to improve the product in line with market needs, and we are losing direction.
We refine and sharpen the value proposition of the business, and propose and build a money flow suited to the marketing strategy.
We are unable to make data-driven decisions and are relying on intuition to formulate strategies.
We build an analytical platform that precisely quantifies user behavior trends to enable data-driven business strategies.
User churn is high, and improving retention rates is a challenge.
We identify drop-off points based on data, optimize UI/UX improvements, and continuously enhance the user experience.

JIITAK's Approach and Strengths

JIITAK is more than a business supporter; it is a partner dedicated to realizing customer dreams. We align closely with client visions, enhancing their unique strengths through agile development, refined UI/UX, and advanced analytics. Our aim is to make customer products distinct and sustainably successful, actively responding to market dynamics to ensure optimal placement and success.

Accompanying Support

We offer support for each business stage, working together to realize your vision. This approach aids in achieving goals and developing a sustainable business mode.

Hypotheses  Verification

We provide tailored support at every stage of your business journey, collaborating closely to achieve your vision. This strategy meets your goals and promotes a sustainable business model.

Agile Development

JIITAK's agile development methodology enables swift adaptation to market shifts, integrates customer feedback promptly, and maximizes business opportunities, ensuring a sustained competitive edge.

UI/UX Design Optimization

User experience is key to product success. At JIITAK, we analyze user reactions and behaviors to continuously enhance UI/UX, increasing user satisfaction and maximizing product appeal.

Utilizing Analytics

Using powerful analytics tools, we deeply understand user behavior patterns and usage trends to drive data-driven product improvements at JIITAK, accelerating market success.

Improving Market Relevance

JIITAK specializes in aligning business with market needs, guiding products to deliver demanded value. We seize growth opportunities, paving the way to success.

Product Success & Sustainable Growth

Achieving Product-Market Fit (PMF) is crucial for product success and long-term growth. A close alignment between market demand and product value enables sustainable customer bases and increased sales. Without this alignment, even initially popular products may lose customer interest over time, missing growth opportunities.

Miscalculations in identifying Product-Market Fit (PMF) can lead to resource wastage and a loss of business direction, potentially causing failure. However, accurately assessing PMF and strategizing accordingly establishes the product in the market, enhancing customer satisfaction, building brand trust, and setting a stable growth trajectory. This enables business scaling through new market opportunities, product line expansion, and entry into international markets.

Market Fit to Growth Strategy

Product-Market Fit (PMF) signifies a state where the developed product is appropriately accepted in the market and satisfies customers. Achieving PMF leads to new customers through natural recommendations, thereby increasing sales. The level of PMF is measured using metrics such as customer satisfaction surveys, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and user retention rates.

After achieving Product-Market Fit (PMF), the product enters the growth phase. In business, growth signifies the expansion of product features and sustained growth in the market.
At JIITAK, we refine functional requirements across all stages, focusing on both achieving PMF and feature expansion for sustainable growth. We provide comprehensive support to ensure our clients' products succeed in the market.

A Partner in Progress: Moving Forward Together

JIITAK is not just a catalyst for business success, but a partner committed to pursuing and realizing your dreams. We earnestly support your vision with side-by-side assistance, hypothesis testing, agile development, refined UI/UX, and advanced analytics to maximize your unique strengths. Our goal is to make your product stand out and grow sustainably in the market. We are quick to respond to market changes and tirelessly work to position your product effectively. With us, you can take a confident step towards exploring endless business possibilities and achieving market success.

Development achievements


Flutter App
UI/UX Design
An app that provides life-changing encounters, not just with anyone, anywhere
Web App
Innovative Influencer-Company Matching Service: Revolutionizing Public Relations
Web App
Revolutionizing Construction Management: JIITAK's Innovative Approach
Web App
Mobile App
Flutter App
Revolutionizing Local Tourism and Taxpayer Benefits: A Journey in Japanese Municipal Collaboration
Mobile App
Flutter App
Maximizing Your Passion / Hobby: Affiliate Marketing Meets Social Media - Transform Skills into Value

Frequently Asked Questions

How does JIITAK tailor its services to different stages of a business’s lifecycle?

At JIITAK, we provide tailored support from ideation through operation. This includes hypothesis testing, agile development, UI/UX design optimization, and continuous product refinement to ensure alignment with market needs at every stage. Our comprehensive support is designed to help businesses achieve their goals and develop a sustainable business model.

What kind of analytical tools does JIITAK use to support data-driven decisions?

JIITAK uses powerful analytics tools to deeply understand user behavior patterns and usage trends. These tools help us drive product improvements and strategize effectively, ensuring that your business can make informed decisions rather than relying solely on intuition.

Can JIITAK help if we are struggling with high user churn and low retention rates?

Yes, JIITAK specializes in identifying drop-off points and optimizing user interfaces and user experiences based on data analysis. We focus on enhancing the user experience to improve retention rates and reduce churn by making informed, data-driven improvements to your product.

How does JIITAK ensure a product continues to grow after achieving PMF?

After a product achieves PMF, JIITAK works on expanding its features and enhancing its functionalities to sustain growth in the market. We employ agile development practices, refine UI/UX continuously, and utilize advanced analytics to adapt to market shifts and integrate customer feedback promptly.

What is Product-Market Fit (PMF) and why is it important?

Product-Market Fit (PMF) refers to the degree to which a product satisfies strong market demand. It is crucial because a product with good PMF will meet the needs and expectations of its target audience, leading to higher customer satisfaction, increased sales, and sustainable growth. At JIITAK, we focus on achieving PMF through continuous improvements and data-driven decision-making.

Contact Us

We specialize in product development, launching new ventures, and providing Digital Transformation (DX) support. Feel free to contact us to start a conversation.