Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

JIITAK Inc. is dedicated to the protection and responsible handling of personal information. This policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding personal data and ensuring its security and privacy in compliance with data protection laws and standards.

Management of Personal Information

We maintain the accuracy and up-to-date status of personal information and implement necessary security measures against unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, or disclosure. This includes maintaining robust security systems, management protocols, and thorough staff training.

Purpose of Using Personal Information

Personal information collected from our clients is used for communication, service provision, and responding to inquiries. It is never used beyond the scope necessary for carrying out our services.

Non-disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

JIITAK Inc. manages personal information appropriately and will not disclose it to third parties, except in the following cases:
  1. With client consent.
  2. When disclosing to contractors to perform the services requested by the client.
  3. When required by law.
  4. When requested by a court, police, or other public authorities.
  5. To protect life, body, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain consent from the person.
  6. To protect or defend our rights, property, or services against actions contrary to our terms of use or policies, and consent cannot be obtained.

Supervision of Outsourced Contractors

In cases where we disclose personal information to contractors to fulfill client-requested services, we ensure these parties adhere to strict data management and security protocols equivalent to ours through binding contracts and appropriate supervision.

Personal Information Security Measures

We take comprehensive security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information. We constantly review and improve our security practices to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information.


Clients wishing to inquire, amend, or delete their personal information can do so upon verification of their identity.

Compliance with Laws and Norms

JIITAK Inc. complies with applicable laws and regulations based on the region regarding personal information and continually reviews and improves this policy accordingly.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at:

Delaware 8 The Green, Suit R in the City Of Dover, USA
