Why does Flutter use the Dart language?

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Do you know what drives some of the world's fastest-growing mobile and web apps? Easy performance with maximum comfort in cross-platform compatibility at the forefront- developers need a pliable language but an efficient one as well. Here is what Google has come to say on this very purpose: Dart is one brand-new programming language. Not quite as popular as a few of its contemporaries but still very quietly changing the world of app development, especially if paired with the extremely popular framework - Flutter.

Now, with the diversification of our tech landscape accelerating at such a pace, the calls for faster, scalable, and cross-platform solutions have reached all-time highs. All of these are offered by Dart-whatever from clean syntax to almost super powerful tools and performance. From high-performance mobile applications to the most challenging server-side tasks, the versatility Dart provides developers in this fast environment leaves everybody else behind.

Let's find out how Dart is transforming the way people approach app development, what the key features of such approaches are, and why it is being chosen for mobile and web development. The post will give you a proper, in-depth understanding of the powers and capabilities of Dart if you're new to Dart or considering adding it to your toolkit.

History and Evolution


Google created Dart. Officially released in 2011, it is an attempt to put to final rest the predicament of possessing a better client-side development language to bear with the increasingly complex nature of the web application. Javascript proved too dominating at that point in web development but was not the best-suited language for large applications because of its performance bottlenecks, lack of proper structure for the more complex applications, and problems in maintenance and scaling.

With such a possibility for such a language to be highly ordered and efficient, Google wanted to give its users one that could be capable of filling the productivity requirements of developers who would, in turn, provide them with high-performance capabilities. Dart was first designed to replace JavaScript, and it applies to large complex web applications with strong typing and predictable modern tooling and familiarity with comfort for developers already aware in JavaScript, Java, or C#.

First, the idea was to replace JavaScript directly because it compiles directly into machine code and hence runs in the browser. After the massive adoption already done with JavaScript, it adapted to interoperate with other systems such as JavaScript. The first implementation that occurred in the history of the Dart was so used in Google's internal applications but later spread into more diversified fields.

Evolution Over Time:

It's Dart, a step for improvement and a change as web and mobile develop. The first release of the language was developed as a statically typed structured language for Internet applications, giving the freedom of typing and having more recent syntax than JavaScript.

In fact, that early dream of directly integrating Dart into web browsers hadn't panned out, and Dart was compiled as JavaScript using the dart2js compiler, so it then ran on modern web browsers without native support.

It is perhaps the most significant point in the evolution of Dart with its launch in 2017 of Flutter, the open-source UI framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop. Dart was used as a language in Flutter because it compiled fast to native code, hence enabling performance-orientated apps with smooth animations and UI, responding freely. Flutter has been a multiplier of the popularity of Dart and ranked it among the top languages cross-platform development.

Apart from Flutter, Dart has grown with performance optimizations, sound null safety, a feature introduced in Dart 2.12 in 2021, and improvements in tooling like analyzer and formatter. With the feature of sound null safety, it marked one of the major steps toward ensuring safer and reliable code by eliminating the single biggest source of bugs through the null reference errors. This is the language for today, which is an evolving state and used for client-side and server-side development. The support of a growing ecosystem and community has matured the tool to become a mighty one for developing modern apps with high-performance cross-platforming.

Problem Statement

Detailed Problem Description:

Such rapid software development has posed significant issue challenges to achieve efficient high performance and cross-platform applications. It has led to forcing the developers to write a whole codebase of applications for Android, iOS, web, and desktop with an overall rise in time-to-market, cost, and complexity. The biggest challenge has, therefore, been maintaining uniformity in the presentation between different platforms, and coherence with respect to user experience due to other differences in kinds of performance characteristics or design constraints of native development environments.

While becoming the language most widely used for client-side web development, it is often found and challenged in scaling large and complex applications, mainly since it lacks structured typing and issues in performance management and maintainability. Other quite popular cross-platforms are typically very sensitive to compromising on performance or limiting access to native device capabilities, thereby denying that very great responsiveness and feature-rich richness.

Image Source: Faisal Ramdan Medium

Dart, together with Flutter, solves the long-standing problem of natively compiling high-performance apps on various platforms from a single code base. Compiling from Dart to native machine code gives performance, while a rich set of libraries and a powerful typing system allows the writing of maintainable scalable applications. Also, Dart is suitable for developing rapid cycles in account of features like hot reload, which drastically reduce testing and debugging time.

Relevance to the Audience

This makes cross-platform applications extremely important for developers and businesses. Quality apps, in the competitively competing nature of today's digital world, need to reach users fast and with the same level of performance on other platforms. Dart, combined with Flutter, makes this very easy because it saves time and resources since not that much redundant effort at development on different platforms is required. Dart has the same syntax and a structural model of programming and strong typing so that writers can write cleaner, better maintainable code. For any developer working on a modern application, knowing how Dart solves these key pain points becomes an important tool in today's tech ecosystem.

Technology Overview

Base Concepts:

Dart is an object-oriented simple yet efficient programming language developed by Google and created for being an excellent language both for small scripts and large applications. It is basically designed to provide quick development of client applications on mobile, web, and desktop platforms especially in association with Google's Flutter framework.

At its core, Dart is based on just a few simple ideas:

Object-oriented programming (OOP): Class-based language in which everything is an object. All developers create reusable classes by using attributes and functions meant to manipulate these objects-this helps in achieving modularity and a structure in code.

Strong and static typing: The Dart language enforces type safety through strong typing that minimizes errors across large code bases. However, it also supports static type inference, thus releasing the developer from always declaring the actual type of variables. This is, therefore, making the language flexible and very easy to use.

Asynchronous programming gives a more elegant way of writing asynchronous code, where API requests or file reading would act as long-running operations. That can do without blocking the main execution, thus allowing apps to be snappy and responsive.

Image Source: QuokkaLabs

Hot reload: Dart supports a feature called "hot reload"(more details in this link) by which the user may see changes to his code without forcing the developer to restart the entire application. This is a great way to accelerate development and debugging.


Dart is playing with the concepts of simple syntax, high-level functionalities, and efficient compilation mechanisms. Here's how it works practically:

Compilation: Dart can compile to native machine code or to JavaScript. In mobile and desktop, Dart compiles directly into native machine code making the apps developed in Dart so smooth and fast to run. For web development, it compiles to JavaScript, where it works all current browsers.

Widgets and UI: Flutter uses the concept of widgets with Dart. This can be thought of very simply as the smallest unit of code that represents a part of the user interface (UI). Everything you see in a Flutter application-including its buttons and text boxes down to its animations-is a widget. With Dart, it is possible for developers to come up with their own personal widgets or reuse existing ones to speed up development.

Declarative UI: Flutter is declarative. In summary, a developer can say what the UI should look like based on the state of the application. Suppose a user taps on a button. The application's state has changed and should refresh the UI based on it. It becomes easier to have an application that is dynamic but still responsive without necessarily having all the details of the interface updated manually.

Concurrency with async and await: Asynchronous programming in Dart is really simple, fetching data from the internet, reading files, or processing vast amounts of data without freezing applications. It makes the ability to mark methods as async and make a keyword for waiting on the results upon returning possible, thereby making asynchronous code much more readable and structured.

Garbage Collection: Dart has an automatic memory management system with garbage collection. It frees up used memory automatically. This reduces the possibility of memory leaks and ensures that applications run in the long term.

Challenges and Limitations

Current Problems:

Despite its rapidly increasing popularity, especially in combination with Flutter, Dart faces many challenges. An important limitation here is the market penetration. Though it leads in Flutter, where most of the mobile applications are being developed, for developing web and desktop applications, it has many fewer usages than JavaScript and libraries like React. Many do not like changing sides because the associated size of the ecosystem as well as libraries remains relatively smaller compared to the already established technologies.

Image Source: Growisto

Another challenge is the performance of web applications. Although it compiles into JavaScript for use in the web, it sometimes sacrifices its performance compared to native JavaScript framework, especially for really complex web applications. It also involves the restricted tooling and immature ecosystem that would eventually pit back development for users of a wider variety of third-party tools and integrations used in more mature languages.

Possible Solutions:

Issues with this are being worked on by Google and the Dart community. It continues gaining performance improvements, especially in the sense that optimizes Flutter Web in rendering for quicker load times. Adding null safety has really reduced runtime errors and significantly improved code safety lately, therefore positively contributing towards smooth development. Moreover, the Dart and Flutter ecosystems are growing in leaps and bounds. It is literally third-party library and community support and they are trying to make it as easy as possible for anyone to get access to these resources. As more developers contribute toward the ecosystem, Dart's tooling and integrations capabilities would be improved. Trends like server-side Dart and Dart for IoT are emerging, which can allow Dart use cases outside of just client-side development, giving more options to developers in coming times.

Future Outlook

Emerging Trends:

Image Source: 9to5google

The future of Dart is very much tied into the continued evolution of Flutter. One of the big trends is that Flutter 3.0 expands desktop and web support, so Dart becomes a cross-platform language that can be used to build mobile, web, or desktop applications from a single code base. Flutter Web continues to improve in performance, and rendering has become suitable for large-scale web applications. The other exciting trend that's getting more focus is server-side Dart, allowing developers to utilize Dart for front-end and backend services as well.

Image Source: Flutter X

Yet another emerging trend is the focus that's being placed on machine learning and artificial integration into Dart applications, with some community-led initiatives exploring the possibility of enhancing Dart and Flutter for AI-driven applications.

Predicted Impact:

Such trends could happen to be a really versatile set of languages in the development ecosystem. As Flutter is growing, the functions of Dart will expand and the rate at which applications are built to run on different devices increases with a lot more ease. As the trend of Dart grows wider in web and server-side development, this language may be one that full-stack developers reach out to. It might also reduce the cost and time of development since these cross-platform abilities would be a hot commodity for business entities and developers looking to streamline their workflows across platforms.


Dart, a programming language created by Google, was too inspired by these obstacles out of building applications that are scalable and optimized in performance. Focusing at first to overtake javascript in web applications, dart became popular with the advent of flutter – an all-encompassing library for desktop, web and mobile apps development. Among the strong points of the language, we can mention, strong typing, support of asynchronous programming, and rapid compilation to native code, which make it an excellent choice for the design of complex applications.

Though there are hurdles such as lack of adoption in the web space and a thinner ecosystem, Dart is still improving, with Enhanced Flutter Web, null safety, and increasing third-party library usage. The future seems bright as dart will increasingly incorporate trends like server-side dart, ai etc. Given the efficiency with which dart can be used to build cross platform applications, it makes dart highly useful in the modern landscape of app development thus optimizing the experience nailed by the developers and the businesses.





Written By

Aswin S

Flutter Developer

Turning aspirations into innovations, code by code, dream by dream, fuelled by an unwavering passion for Flutter development.

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