Using Markov Chains for Accurate Project Predictions in App Development

Image source:Carolina Medium Blog


It is very hard to predict the size, scope, and duration of a project in app development. Projects can end up uncertain as requirements change, technical issues, or scope creep arise. Gantt charts and critical path analysis can only be so good; usually, they don't adapt well to the flexible, iterative nature of the app development project.

This is where Markov chains come in! A Markov chain is a mathematical model that assists in predicting the likelihood of movement from one state to another via probabilities. By considering your project stages as "states" and making a probability estimation using historical data regarding transition from one state to another, you can make better predictions concerning your project's flow, risks, and completion time.

In this blog, we'll walk through how to use Markov chains in app development project management, providing a step-by-step guide on implementing this approach and ensuring near-accurate predictions.

Image Source: Wikipedia

A diagram representing a two-state Markov process. The numbers are the probability of changing from one state to another state.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Markov Chains in Project Management

  • Identify project stages (states) and gather historical data.
  • Calculate transition probabilities between stages.
  • Create a transition matrix and simulate project progress.
  • Use the results to improve planning, identify risks, and optimize resources.

In project management, to effectively use Markov chains for decision-making, you would need to analyze historical data to estimate the transition probabilities between different project stages or tasks. Once you have these probabilities, you can simulate the project’s future progress and make more informed decisions. Let me walk you through the process step-by-step.

1. Identify the Stages (States):

Break down your project into key stages or states that tasks pass through. For example:

  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Under Review
  • Completed

In more complex projects, you might have more detailed states like:

  • Design Phase
  • Development Phase
  • Testing Phase
  • Deployment
  • Feedback Loop
Image Source: Behance

2. Gather Historical Data:

  • Look at previous projects or tasks and collect data on how they transitioned between different stages. For each task, record how long it took to move from one stage to another and whether there were any back-and-forth transitions (like from "Testing" back to "Development" due to bugs).


  • How often does a task move from Design to Development?
  • How frequently does a task return from Testing to Development?

This historical data will allow you to calculate transition probabilities.

3. Calculate Transition Probabilities:

Based on the historical data, estimate the probability of moving from one stage to the next. This will involve counting the number of times tasks moved between states and dividing by the total number of transitions from that state.

For example, if in the past 100 tasks, 70 moved from Design to Development, and 30 moved back to Idea, then the transition probabilities from Design might look like:

  • P(Design -> Development) = 0.70
  • P(Design -> Idea) = 0.30

Enhancing the Accuracy of Markov Chain Models

1. Tailoring the Model to the Project’s Nature:

Every app development project is different in terms of complexity, technology stack, team experience, and scope. To make the Markov chain model more accurate:

  • Accurate Stage Definitions: Make sure the states or phases you define for your project (e.g., Requirement Gathering, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment) reflect the real-world stages in your app development process.
  • Varying Task Types: Break down the project into smaller types of tasks (e.g., backend, frontend, UX/UI design). Different tasks might have different transition probabilities. Grouping everything together into a single set of states may oversimplify and lead to inaccurate predictions.
  • Scope Changes: For larger app projects, scope creep (adding new features or changing requirements) is common. Ensure that the model accounts for potential changes by adding transition probabilities that handle tasks returning to earlier stages.

2. Improving Data Quality:

The accuracy of Markov chain predictions depends on the quality of the historical data you use to estimate transition probabilities. To improve accuracy:

  • Historical Data Accuracy: Use real data from previous projects of similar size, complexity, and technology. If your app involves cutting-edge technology or an untested feature, historical data may be less reliable.
  • Task Granularity: Collect detailed data for each phase of the project. For example, you may want to break the Development phase into multiple sub-states such as Initial Coding, Code Review, Bug Fixing, and Code Merge. The more specific your states and data, the better your transition probabilities will reflect real-world performance.
  • Regular Updates: The model must be continuously updated as the project progresses. For example, if you see unexpected delays during the Design phase, you might need to adjust the probabilities for subsequent states.

3. Handling Uncertainty and Scope Creep:

One of the biggest challenges in app development is dealing with uncertainty, particularly due to scope changes, new feature requests, or unknown technical challenges. You can address this in a Markov chain model by:

  • Adding a "Scope Creep" State: Consider adding an additional state to the model that accounts for unexpected changes in the project’s scope. This state could capture tasks returning to earlier stages or the need for additional phases (like new features being added after initial design).
  • Multiple Probabilities for Different Project Scenarios: Create different transition matrices for different scenarios:
    • Optimistic scenario (things go smoothly)
    • Realistic scenario (based on historical data)
    • Pessimistic scenario (delays and scope changes)
  • You can then simulate multiple runs and see how the project might evolve under each scenario. This gives you a range of possible outcomes and helps you prepare for the worst while planning for the best.

4. Iterative Development and Real-time Updates:

App development is often done in iterations or sprints (in Agile methodology). You can improve accuracy by:

  • Real-time Monitoring: As your team completes sprints or milestones, continuously update the model with new data. If a certain phase (e.g., Development) is taking longer than expected, you can adjust the transition probabilities for that phase in the model to reflect this.
  • Predictive Adjustments: Based on how the project evolves, you can predict the impact of delays or new features and adjust resource allocation or timelines accordingly.

5. Risk Analysis and Buffers:

Even with accurate data and well-defined states, unexpected risks can still arise. To improve reliability:

  • Build in Buffers: Incorporate buffers into your schedule to account for unforeseen delays. For example, you can simulate the project with a certain probability of returning to earlier stages due to bugs or new requirements, and then add buffers based on the results.
  • Risk Management: Markov chains can help identify risky stages (like Testing or Integration) by revealing where tasks are likely to return to earlier states. Knowing where bottlenecks or risks lie allows you to mitigate them by allocating more resources or preparing for delays in those stages.

6. Real-time Simulation with Team Feedback:

In an active development environment, your team’s feedback is crucial for ensuring accuracy. Here’s how you can ensure near-accurate results:

  • Team Collaboration: Work closely with your development team to fine-tune the transition probabilities. Developers, designers, and testers often have insight into how long certain phases take and which tasks are prone to rework.
  • Sprint Planning and Retrospectives: After each sprint or development phase, compare the actual transitions with the predicted transitions. If a sprint encountered unexpected delays or issues, use this new data to refine the model for future sprints.

Example Scenario in App Development:

Let’s say you are developing a mobile app with the following states:

  1. Requirements Gathering
  2. UI/UX Design
  3. Frontend Development
  4. Backend Development
  5. Integration
  6. Testing
  7. Deployment

Transition Probabilities (estimated from historical data):

  • Requirements Gathering -> UI/UX Design: 90% probability, but a 10% chance it returns due to incomplete requirements.
  • UI/UX Design -> Frontend Development: 85% probability, 15% chance of redesign.
  • Frontend Development -> Testing: 70% probability, 30% of returning to the UI/UX Design due to usability issues.
  • Backend Development -> Integration: 80% probability, but a 20% chance of returning for additional features.
  • Testing -> Deployment: 60% probability, with a 40% chance of returning to development due to bugs.

With this model:

  • You can simulate the expected timeline based on the probabilities and predict which phases are likely to take longer.
  • If during the project you see that UI/UX Design is repeatedly being sent back to Requirements Gathering, you can adjust resources (e.g., assigning more designers or clearer requirements gathering upfront) to prevent further delays.


Incorporating Markov chains into your project management workflow can help you better predict task flows, allocate resources, and mitigate risks. While no model can be perfect, the structured approach offered by Markov chains can significantly enhance your ability to manage uncertainty in app development projects.

While Markov chains provide a solid mathematical model for predicting project outcomes, especially in terms of task transitions, absolute accuracy in app development is difficult due to the complexity and dynamic nature of projects. However, by:

  • Using accurate historical data,
  • Continuously updating the model in real time,
  • Accounting for uncertainty and risks,
  • Collaborating closely with your team,

you can ensure that the predictions become increasingly reliable and help guide decisions regarding timeline, scope, and resource allocation.





Written By

Adithya R Pradeep

Business Development

A dynamic Business Development professional excelling in coordinating various project aspects, always at the forefront of the latest project management practices, driving growth through optimized processes and innovative strategies.

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